Bringing the exascale workflow applications community together


We are building an Exascale Workflows Community, and will providing more information soon...

Workflows Community Summits

In collaboration with the workflowsRI project we are organizing a series of Workflows Community Summits. These events gather workflows stakeholders (researchers, developers, users, facility representatives) to identify crucial challenges in the workflow community.

Participants span the following facilities, supercomputing centers, and large-scale computing providers: Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Open Science Grid, and others.

Third Workflows Community Summit (Nov 8, 2021)

Tightening the Integration between Computing Facilities and Scientific Workflows

Second Workflows Community Summit (Apr 7, 2021)

Advancing the State-of-the-art of Scientific Workflows Management Systems Research and Development

First Workflows Community Summit (Jan 13, 2021)

Bringing the Scientific Workflows Community Together