
A Portable Submission Interface for Jobs (PSI/J)

James Corbett, Mihael Hategan, Stephen Herbein, Andre Merzky



The purpose of this document is to provide an analysis of the design and implementation issues of a job management API suitable for managing jobs on exascale machines. A job management API is a set of interfaces that allow the specification and management of the invocation of application executables. The corresponding implementation of a job management API is a job management library. A job management library, through its API, is invoked by a client application.

Traditionally, job management is implemented on supercomputers by local resource managers (LRMs), such as PBS/Torque, Slurm, etc. To a first approximation, a job management API can be understood as an abstraction layer on top of various LRMs.

Job management is sometimes also provided by execution managers, with capabilities similar to LRMs but operating in user space on a limited subset of resources such as within a job’s allocation. This job management API aims to also transparently abstract such execution managers.

A Note about Code Samples

There are various locations in this document where code is used to provide examples. Such code is not working code, but a Java/C++/.NET inspired pseudo-code which almost surely will require modifications to be usable.

Motivation and Design Goals

The API is designed with a number of goals in mind. These are centered around scalability and keeping the API and potential implementations simple. Where trade-offs must be made—such as deciding between interface and implementation simplicity—interface simplicity is generally favored. However, an attempt is also made to distill and analyze the resulting complexities of a potential implementation in order to minimize the amount of work needed to write such an implementation.

Specifically, the following aspects have significantly informed the design:


There are at least three major ways in which a job management API can be used:

While the three usage scenarios share many similarities, there are subtle differences that make the requirements for an API more complex when remote/nested management is involved. This document specifies a layered API in which a baseline API (Layer 0) allows for local management and additional layers allow for more complex functionality. At a high level, the layers are as follows:

Layer 0 (local)

Layer 1 (remote)

Note: the specification for the remote layer is not available at this time

Layer 2 (nested)

Note: the specification for the nested layer is not available at this time

The Job API; Layer 0

This section describes the most basic form of the PSI/J API, namely one in which the location of the backend is either implicit or local. The main components of the API are shown below:

Async Jobs Timing Diagram

The components of the API can be divided into a passive set, describing jobs and their state, and an active set, the JobExecutor connectors, which translate job information and interact with specific backends. In other words, the API is designed such that all backend-specific logic can be contained in JobExecutor connectors. Consequently, all actions, such as submit() and cancel() as well as job status updates belong to the JobExecutor (although convenience methods also allow the job status to be directly retrievable from Job objects).

The passive set of components has the Job class at the top. A Job object has a JobSpecification, which describes the high-level details of the job. Here, “high-level” is meant to track the capabilities of what can typically be achieved with fork/exec calls, namely specifying the executable and its arguments, the environment of the job, its working directory, and the location of input and output streams. Additional information that is specific to queuing systems is specified using both the JobAttributes class, as well as the ResourcesSpec class. The ResourcesSpec class and its concrete sub-classes, of which only ResourceSpecV1 is specified at this time, can be used to describe the resources required to run the job, whereas the JobAttributes class is used to specify any other job information that is not conceptually part of the resource specification.

Implementation Notes

The API specification is to be understood as a guideline that informs the implementation in a given language to the extent that the resulting implementation remains conformant to the standards and practices specific to that language. For example:

Interaction with LRMs and Scalability

Implementations should use bulk status operations when interacting with LRMs. Regularly invoking, for example, qstat for each job in a set of many jobs can quickly overwhelm a LRM. The solution is to subscribe to asynchronous notifications from the LRM, if supported, or instead use bulk query interfaces (e.g., qstat -a) to get the status of all jobs and extract the information about the relevant jobs from the result.


The JobExecutor represents one or more concrete mechanisms for executing jobs. It contains all the operations specific to a particular mechanism. Specifically, it knows how to start a job through the submit() call, query the status of jobs and inform a client API of any updates through callbacks, and can cancel() a running job.

Client code interacts with a concrete job execution mechanism by invoking methods on objects declared (in a strictly-typed language) as JobExecutor. This leaves a number of possible ways to structure an implementation of this API. We list two:

  1. Treat JobExecutor as an abstract base class and have concrete subclasses of JobExecutor implement the specific mechanisms. The subclasses can then be instantiated either directly, using a factory pattern, or any other reasonable mechanism. For example:


JobExecutor executor = new PBSJobExecutor();
Job job = ...


executor = PBSJobExecutor()
Job job = ...



JobExecutor executor = JobExecutor.getInstance("PBS");
Job job = ...


executor = JobExecutor.get_instance("PBS")
Job job = ...
  1. Treat JobExecutor as a frontend class, which can be instantiated in a way that allows the selection of the particular concrete job submission mechanism and manages jobs by directly invoking methods of the JobExecutor class. For example:


JobExecutor executor = new JobExecutor("PBS");
Job job = ...


executor = JobExecutor("PBS");
job = ...

A precise choice is not specified in this document. However, in order to promote source-level compatibility between implementations, it may be specified at a later time and/or in a language-specific document.


String getName()

Returns the name of this executor. The name should be something simple but sufficiently informative, such as “SLURM”, “PBS”, “Condor”, or “AWS”.

Version getVersion()

Returns the version of this executor.

If the system/language/standard library in which the library is implemented provides a specific versioning mechanism and/or versioning class, it should be used as the Version class. If such a class is not provided, implementations can use a simple string type for the version.

void submit(Job job) throws InvalidJobException, InvalidStateException,

Submits a job to the underlying implementation.

Successful return of this method indicates that the job has been sent to the underlying implementation and all changes in the job status, including failures, are reported using notifications. Conversely, if one of the two possible exceptions is thrown, then the job has not been successfully sent to the underlying implementation, the job status remains unchanged, and no status notifications about the job will be fired.


void cancel(Job job) throws InvalidStateException, SubmitException

Cancels a job that has been submitted to underlying executor implementation.

A successful return of this method only indicates that the request for cancellation has been communicated to the underlying implementation. The job will then be canceled at the discretion of the implementation, which may be at some later time. A successful cancellation is reflected in a change of status of the respective job to JobState.CANCELED. User code can synchronously wait until the CANCELED state is reached using job.wait(JobState.CANCELED) or even job.wait(), since the latter would wait for all final states, including JobState.CANCELED.

It is recommended that job.wait() be used because it is entirely possible for the job to complete before the cancellation is communicated to the underlying implementation and before the client code receives the completion notification. In such a case, the job will never enter the CANCELEDstate and job.wait(JobState.CANCELED) would hang indefinitely.


void setJobStatusCallback(JobStatusCallback? cb)

Registers a JobStatusCallback with this executor. The callback will be invoked whenever a status change occurs for any of the jobs submitted to this job executor, whether they were submitted with an individual job status callback or not. To remove the callback, set it to null.

List<String> list()

Returns a list of native job IDs known to this executor instance.

The returned list MAY contain IDs of jobs which were not submitted via this instance, and MAY be missing IDs of jobs which have been submitted by this instance but have been finalized and purged already. The returned job IDs must uniquely identify each job in the scope of the JobExecutor instance and thus in the scope of the backend that JobExecutor is bound to, but should not be assumed to be unique beyond that scope.

IDs for any job which has been submitted via this instance and which is not yet in a final state MUST be returned. Information for jobs in a final state may get purged by the backend, and the implementation may also purge that information. The native IDs for those jobs thus MAY NOT be returned by this call, even if the application still holds handles to those jobs (and could thus retrieve the native job ID directly).

The returned IDs can be used to re-attach a Job instance to the backend job via the executor.attach(job, nativeJobID) call. This implies that the call SHALL only return those IDs to which the callee can attach under currently used authorization.

void attach(Job job, String nativeJobID)

Associates a Job object with a native job.

This method will accept a job instance in the NEW state and a native job ID. The executor will attach the Job instance to the backend job identified by that native (backend) job ID. The method will return immediately and the JobExecutor will collect job state and metadata asynchronously. A callback registered on the Job MUST NOT fire before the implementation completed the attachement — at that point the job will have a valid JobStatus. If the implementation is not able to attach the job (because it cannot verify the job ID, or the job information has been purged, etc.), the job will be moved into the FAILED state.

The method MUST raise an InvalidJobException if the passed job is not in NEW state. Any job status, resource spec, etc. which is set on the passed Job instance MUST be discarded by the implementation.


The Job class encapsulates all of the information needed to run a job as well as the job’s state. Instances of this class are created by user code and populated with information describing what to run as part of the job (e.g., the executable path, the arguments, etc.) as well as how the job is to be run, where applicable. The later involves specifying, for example, the number of CPU cores desired or other such requirements. Once all relevant information is provided, the job may be sent to an underlying implementation using the submit() call of a JobExecutor instance. The executor then updates the status of the job, which is accessible synchronously through the Job.getStatus() call or, asynchronously, through callbacks. Implementations of job executors must ensure that the following state model is adhered to.

State Model

Job instances are, in this API, stateful objects. A job’s state can be inspected via the job.getStatus() method which will return a JobStatus instance on which the job’s state is available as an attribute. State transitions can also be received via callbacks

An implementation MUST ensure that job state transitions occur according to the following state model:

At any point in time until the job is final, the job can enter the FAILED state on error conditions. That state is also reached when the job completes execution with an error code, but can also indicate a backend error or a library error of any kind. The FAILED state is final.

At any point in time until the job is final, the job can enter the CANCELED state as a reaction to the job.cancel() call. Note that the state transition to CANCELED is not immediate when calling that method, but only occurs once the backend is enacting that request.

The ACTIVE state is the only state where the job will consume resources.

Backend implementations are likely to have their own state definitions state and transition semantics. An implementation of this API MUST ensure that:

An implementation MUST NOT issue state updates for any backend state transitions which cannot be mapped to the state model. When a backend state model misses a representation for a state which the state model requires, the implementation MUST report the respective state transition anyway, to the best of its knowledge. For example, if a JobExecutor backend does not, for some reason, feature a state corresponding to QUEUED, then the implementation MUST issue a QUEUED state update between NEW and ACTIVE anyway.

Additional information (timestamps, backend details, transition triggers etc.) MAY be available on certain state transitions, in certain implementations. See the JobStatus definition for additional information on such metadata.



Constructs an empty Job object. Upon construction, the job will be in the NEW state.

Job(JobSpec spec)

Constructs a Job object with the given JobSpec. As with the above constructor, the job will be in the NEW state.


void setExecutor(JobExecutor executor)
JobExecutor? getExecutor()

Returns the JobExecutor that this job is bound to.

An executor is bound to a job when the job is successfully submitted to the executor using JobExecutor.submit() or attached to an existing native job using JobExecutor.attach(). It is the responsibility of the JobExecutor implementation to set this property on a job instance when that job is submitted or attached.

String getId()

Returns this job’s ID. The ID is assigned automatically by the implementation when the Job object is constructed. The ID is guaranteed to be unique on the client machine. The ID does not have to match the ID of the underlying LRM job, but is used to identify Job object instances as seen by a client application.

String? getNativeId()

Returns this job’s native ID as assigned by the underlying LRM. The ID will only be available once the job has entered the QUEUED state—the returned value will be null otherwise. The returned ID can be used to communicate with the LRM out-of-band, and also to later reattach to the job with JobExecutor.attach().

void setSpec(JobSpec spec)
JobSpec? getSpec()

Sets/retrieves the job specification for this job. A valid job requires a non-null specification.

JobStatus getStatus()

Returns the current status of the job.

It is guaranteed that the status returned by this method is monotonic in time with respect to the partial ordering of JobStatus types. That is, if jobStatus1.getState() and jobStatus2.getState() are comparable and jobStatus1.getState() < jobStatus2.getState(), then it is impossible for jobStatus2 to be returned by a call placed prior to a call that returns jobStatus1 if both calls are placed from the same thread or if a proper memory barrier is placed between the calls.

Furthermore, implementations must, to the extent possible, simulate missing states. For example, if the implementation polls a LRM queue infrequently enough such that the active state of a job is skipped between two polling rounds, the job would appear to have jumped from a QUEUED state to a COMPLETED state. However, implementations can introduce a synthetic ACTIVE state change.

JobStatus wait(TimeInterval? timeout, JobState targetStates...)

Waits until one of the following conditions is true:

For example, wait(timeout, [JobState.QUEUED]) can return successfully if the job is in an ACTIVE state, since the job being active means that it must have gone through the QUEUED state. Using the wait() method is, in most cases, race-condition prone, since it cannot guarantee that job state changes cannot happen immediately after wait() is invoked, but before the implementation of wait() checks for the current job state. If reliable tracking of job states is needed, status callbacks should be used instead of wait(). The wait() method returns the JobStatus object that has caused wait() to complete or null if the timeout is reached. If strict behavior is desired, such as, for example, ensuring that the job is in a COMPLETED final state, then the returned status can be checked for the relevant state.

In certain languages (e.g., Java), the wait method is a final method of every object and cannot be overridden by user code. In such cases, implementations are advised to use an appropriate alternative name for this method. In particular, many Java libraries have adopted the name waitFor.

JobStatus wait(JobState targetStates...)

Equivalent to wait(null, targetStates).

JobStatus wait(TimeInterval? timeout)

Waits for the job to enter a final state for a certain amount of time, or indefinitely if timeout is null. Returns a JobStatus object that represents the status of the job at termination or null if the timeout is reached.

JobStatus wait()

Equivalent to wait(null), which waits indefinitely for the job to complete.

void cancel() throws SubmitException

Cancels this job by calling JobExecutor.cancel() on the job executor that was used to submit this job.

void setStatusCallback(JobStatusCallback? cb)

Sets a status callback for this job. The callback will be invoked when the state of this job changes. To unset the callback, call this method with a null argument.




Constructs an empty JobSpec.


In Python, the default constructor is replaced with the following constructor:

JobSpec(executable: Optional[str] = None,
        arguments: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        directory: Optional[Path] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        inherit_environment: bool = True,
        environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        stdin_path: Optional[Path] = None,
        stdout_path: Optional[Path] = None,
        stderr_path: Optional[Path] = None,
        resources: Optional[ResourceSpec] = None,
        attributes: Optional[JobAttributes] = None,
        pre_launch: Optional[Path] = None,
        post_launch: Optional[Path] = None,
        launcher: Optional[str] = None)

Creates an instance of JobSpec which allows properties to be initialized through keyword arguments.


void setName(String name)
String? getName()

Sets/retrieves a name for the job.

The name plays no functional role. However, it can help users in tracking the job across various layers. Implementations should make an effort to propagate the name so that the user can quickly identify the job as it propagates through the system. For example, the job should appear with this name in the output of a potential qstat LRM command.

void setDirectory(Path directory)
Path? getDirectory()

Sets/gets the directory that will be the current working directory of the job immediately after starting.

The path must either be an absolute directory or start with "~/", in which case it indicates a path relative to the user’s home directory on the machine that the job runs. If no directory is specified for a job, implementations are free to choose a default working directory for the job. However, clients should note that such a default working directory will not necessarily be writable. Clients should also note that directories valid on the submit side are not necessarily valid on the machine that runs the job.

void setExecutable(Path executable)
Path? getExecutable()

Sets/gets the path to the executable file to be launched.

A relative path is considered relative to the job directory (if specified), or the default job directory, as indicated in the description of setDirectory().

void setArguments(List<String> arguments)
List<String>? getArguments()

Sets/gets the argument list to be passed to the executable.

Unlike with execve(), the first element of the list will correspond to argv[1] when accessed by the invoked executable. If no previous call to setArguments was made, getArguments will return null. The setter does not create a copy of the list. Therefore, it is possible to add arguments to the list by invoking setArguments() with a mutable list, then invoking getArguments().add(). The strings in the argument list are subject to environment variable expansion, as described in JobSpecification.setEnvironment.

void setInheritEnvironment(boolean inheritEnvironment)
boolean getInheritEnvironment()

If this flag is set to false, the job starts with an empty environment. The only environment variables that will be accessible to the job are the ones set using setEnvironment(). If this flag is set to true, which is the default, the job will also have access to inherited environment variables.

The precise nature of the inherited environment is left to the implementation. In principle, this functionality is meant to allow computing resources to pass various information to executing applications, such as the location of a scratch directory in $SCRATCH, while still allowing clients to define unrelated environment variables.

void setEnvironment(Map<String, String> environment)
Map<String, String>? getEnvironment()

Sets/gets the environment for the job.

The environment is a mapping of environment variable names to their respective values. The getter returns null if no previous call to setEnvironment() was made. Implementations must honor simple variable substitution for the values, using the Bash brace syntax: ${VARIABLE_NAME}. This is useful for extending path lists, such as PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The setter stores the map as passed by client code and does not make a copy of it.

void setStdinPath(Path stdin)
Path? getStdinPath()
void setStdoutPath(Path stdout)
Path? getStdoutPath()
void setStderrPath(Path stderr)
Path? getStderrPath()

Set/get the paths to the standard stream files.

void setPreLaunch(Path script)
Path? getPreLaunch()
void setPostLaunch(Path script)
Path? getPostLaunch()

Sets/gets the paths to the pre/post launch scripts.

The PreLaunch script is sourced by the main process of the job before it uses the parallel launcher to execute the executable. This script is intended for setting up the environment via external systems like lmod and virtualenv as well as for performing actions that should only be done once at the start of a job (e.g., creating a results directory).

“Sourcing” the script means to execute the commands contained in the PreLaunch script within the current environment. This is equivalent to the dot command as defined by POSIX.2. Any environment variables set or changed by the PreLaunch script SHALL be made available to the launcher. The parallel launcher should be configured to forward the environment from the calling process to ensure that environment variables set by PreLaunch are propagated to the rest of the job.

Since the PreLaunch script is sourced before the parallel launch, it is only sourced by a single process. This process may be running on the login node or on a batch node, depending on the system and PSI/J implementation. In the case where code needs to run on every node or rank of a parallel job, it is advisable to instead use a wrapper script around the executable.

Some environment changes can cause parallel launchers to malfunction. For example, loading a module that changes the interpreter for Python or Lua. In this case, PreLaunch may cause parallel launcher failures and accomplishing these environmental changes would be better done with a wrapper script around the executable.

The PostLaunch script is sourced by the process of the job that sourced the PreLaunch script. An explicit synchronization SHALL occur so that PostLaunch is sourced only after the exit of the executable on every rank of the job. The PostLaunch script may fail to run if the job walltime expires or if a single rank process hangs.

The PreLaunch and PostLaunch scripts SHALL be POSIX-compliant shell scripts.

void setLauncher(String launcher)
String? getLauncher()

Sets the launcher to be used for this job. A launcher is a mechanism used to start the parallel ranks of a job. An implementation is required to implement, at a minimum, the following launchers:

The single launcher launches a single rank on the lead node. This launcher must be used if no launcher is explicitly specified.
A multiple launcher launches multiple ranks on the lead node.
This launcher uses the standard mpirun tool to launch the job ranks.

In addition to the base launchers above, implementation must implement launchers that are likely to correspond to job executors that are provided that are provided by that implementation. For example, if a Slurm job executor is provided, a srun launcher must also be made available.

void setResources(ResourceSpec resources)
ResourceSpec? getResources()

Gets/sets the resource requirements of this job.

The resource requirements specify the details of how the job is to be run on a cluster, such as the number and type of compute nodes used, etc.

void setAttributes(JobAttributes attributes)
JobAttributes getAttributes()

Gets/sets the job attributes.

Job attributes are details about the job, such as the walltime, that are descriptive of how the job behaves. Attributes are, in principle, non-essential in that the job could run even though no attributes are specified. In practice, specifying a walltime is often necessary to prevent LRMs from prematurely terminating a job.


The JobStatus class contains details about job transitions to new states. Specifically, it contains the new state, a timestamp at which the transition occurred, as well as optional metadata about the new state.

Implementations should, if possible, use timestamps provided by the underlying job execution mechanism and, if such timestamps are not available, provide timestamps that are as close as possible to the time when the actual transition occurred.


This specification does not mandate a public constructor for this class.


JobState getState()

Returns the state of the job.

Timestamp getTime()

Returns the time at which the job has entered this state.

The Timestamp class is expected to be provided by the standard library of the language in which the library is implemented. If such a class is not provided, implementations have the discretion of implementing a relevant Timestamp class.

Dictionary<String, Object>? getMetadata()

Returns metadata associated with this status, if any.

The content of the metadata dictionary is not mandated by this specification and is left to the implementation.

int? getExitCode()

If the job has exited, returns the exit code, otherwise null.

String? getMessage()

Returns the message associated with this status, if any.

boolean isFinal()

A convenience wrapper for status.getState().isFinal().


An enumeration holding the possible job states, which are: NEW, QUEUED, ACTIVE, COMPLETED, FAILED, and CANCELED.


This class represents an enumeration and has no public constructors.


boolean isGreaterThan(JobState other)

Defines a strict partial ordering on the states.

It is not possible to compare two final states—otherwise all state pairs are comparable. Comparisons are transitive. The order is:

The relevance of the partial ordering is that the system guarantees that a transition from a state s1 to a state s2, possibly through some other intermediate states, is only possible if s2 > s1. More formally, given two distinct states s1 ands2, then either s1 < s2, s2 < s1, or s1 || s2, where the symbol || denotes two states that are not comparable. With this notation, the following statements apply:

For example, a transition from QUEUED to FAILED is possible because ACTIVE > QUEUED and FAILED > ACTIVE, therefore, by transitivity, FAILED > QUEUED.

An implementation must ensure that state update notifications are delivered in accordance with this ordering.

boolean isFinal()

Returns true if a job cannot further change state once this state is reached. The final states are COMPLETED, FAILED, and CANCELED.


An interface used to listen to job status change events.


This is an interface/abstract class and has no specified public constructors.


void  jobStatusChanged(Job job, JobStatus status)

Client code interested in receiving notifications must implement this method. The parameters are the job whose status has changed and the new status. One should note that it is entirely possible that calling job.getStatus() from the body of this method would return something different from the status passed to this callback. This is because the status of the job can be updated during the execution of the body of this method and, in particular, before the potential call to job.getStatus() is made.

Client code implementing this method must return quickly and cannot be used for lengthy processing.


An exception describing a problem with the information contained in a Job object.


This specification does not mandate a public constructor for this class.


String getMessage()

Retrieves the message associated with this exception.

This should be a descriptive message that is sufficiently clear to be presented to an end user.

Exception? getException()

Returns an optional underlying exception that can potentially be used for debugging purposes, but which should not, in general, be presented to an end user.


This exception is thrown when the JobExecutor.submit() call fails for a reason that is independent of the job that is being submitted.


This specification does not mandate a public constructor for this class.


String getMessage()

Retrieves the message associated with this exception. This should be a descriptive message that is sufficiently clear to be presented to an end user.

Exception? getException()

Returns an optional underlying exception that can potentially be used for debugging purposes, but which should not, in general, be presented to an end user.

boolean isTransient()

Returns true if the underlying condition that triggered this exception is transient.

Jobs that cannot be submitted due to a transient exceptional condition have chance of being successfully resubmitted at a later time, which is a suggestion to client code that it could reattempt the operation that triggered this exception. However, the exact chances of success depend on many factors and are not guaranteed in any particular case.

For example, a DNS resolution failure while attempting to connect to a remote service is a transient error since it can be reasonably assumed that DNS resolution is a persistent feature of an Internet-connected network. By contrast, an authentication failure due to an invalid username/password combination would not be a transient failure. While it may be possible for a temporary defect in a service to cause such a failure, under normal operating conditions such an error would persist across subsequent retries until correct credentials are used.


This exception is thrown when a request is made for a Job object that is in a state incompatible with that request, such as when a Job is submitted multiple times.

Implementations are encouraged to use existing language facilities to represent this exception if available.


This specification does not mandate a public constructor for this class.


This specification does not mandate any methods for this class.


The ResourceSpec class is a base abstract class that describes job resource requirements. The current defined subclasses are: ResourceSpecV1.


This is an abstract class without a specified public constructor.


int getVersion()

Returns the version of the class implementing the resource specification. For example, ResourceSpecV1.getVersion() would return 1.


This class represents the simplest resource specification available. It assumes that jobs and resources are homogeneous.



Constructs an empty ResourceSpecV1 object.


In Python, the default constructor is replaced with the following constructor:

ResourceSpecV1(node_count: int = 1, exclusive_node_use: boolean = False,
               process_count: int = 1, processes_per_node: int = 1,
               cpu_cores_per_process: int = 1, gpu_cores_per_process: int = 0)

A constructor for ResourceSpecV1 which allows properties to be initialized through keyword arguments.


void setNodeCount(int nodeCount)
int? getNodeCount()

Sets/gets the node count.

If specified, the implementation must instruct the LRM to allocate this number of nodes for the job. Alternatively, one may specify the processCount instead and let the LRM allocate the necessary number of nodes according to local policies. Specifying both the nodeCount and the processCount is not allowed.

void setExclusiveNodeUse(boolean exclusiveNodeUse)
boolean? getExclusiveNodeUse()

Specifies whether nodes can be shared with other jobs, possibly belonging to other users, or if nodes should be allocated exclusively for this job.

void setProcessCount(int processCount)
int? getProcessCount()

Gets/sets the total process count. If specified, run this many parallel instances of the job process. This instructs the LRM to allocate nodes as needed. This property and nodeCount are mutually exclusive.

void setProcessesPerNode(int processesPerNode)
int getProcessesPerNode()

If the nodeCount is specified, this property instructs the LRM to run this many processes on each node. This property defaults to 1.

void setCPUCoresPerProcess(int cpuCoresPerProcess)
int? getCPUCoresPerProcess()

Sets the number of cores that each process needs.

This property is used by the underlying implementation to compute the number of nodes needed from the number of processes requested and the number of cores available on each node. Specifically, nodeCount = processCount * cpuCoresPerNode / cpuCoresPerProcess, where cpuCoresPerNode is the number of CPU cores each node has and is a property of the cluster.

void setGPUCoresPerProcess(int gpuCoresPerProcess)
int? getGPUCoresPerProcess()

Similar to cpuCoresPerProcess, but for GPU cores. For heterogeneous clusters, with GPUs available only on some nodes, setting this property signifies to the LRM that GPU nodes are being requested.


A class containing ancillary job information that describes how a job is to be run.



Constructs an empty JobAttributes object.


In Python, the default constructor is replaced with the following constructor:

JobAttributes(duration: Optional[TimeInterval] = none,
              queue_name: Optional[str] = none,
              project_name: Optional[str] = None,
              reservation_id: Optional[str] = None,
              custom_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = None)

A constructor for JobAttributes which allows properties to be initialized through keyword arguments.



void setDuration(TimeInterval duration)
TimeInterval? getDuration()

Sets/gets the duration of the job.

If not specified, a duration of 10 minutes is assumed. Implementations are not required to implement better-than-second resolution for the time interval and LRMs often have minute resolutions for job durations.

void setQueueName(String queueName)
String? getQueueName()

Sets/gets the queue name representing the LRM queue that the job is to be submitted to.

If no queue is specified, the implementation or LRM may either choose a default queue or throw an InvalidJobException.

void setProjectName(String projectName)
String? getProjectName()

Sets/gets a project name.

It is common for local LRM policies to use projects to allow structured billing of CPU-hours. If no project is specified, the implementation or LRM may either choose a default project or throw an InvalidJobException.

void setReservationId(String reservationId)
String? getReservationId()

Sets/get a reservation ID for the job.

Many LRMs allow making advanced reservations, which pre-allocate a block of nodes to be used by a project during a certain time interval. Jobs submitted to the pre-allocated nodes do not wait in the queue and are, instead, started as soon as possible. Advanced reservations are typically represented by an ID. Specifying this property indicates that the job should be submitted to the block of resources reserved through the advanced reservation represented by this ID.

void setCustomAttribute(String name, Object value);
Object? getCustomAttribute(String name);

Allows setting/querying of custom attributes.

Implementations are encouraged to make sensible decisions on whether to store some or all of the fixed attributes in the same structure as the custom attributes or not. It is, therefore, entirely possible for getCustomAttribute("duration") to return a value passed earlier to setDuration(), although the specific custom attribute name need not be "duration".


A class that allows users to specify a time interval in various formats. Implementations are encouraged to use standard library classes if available instead of re-implementing a custom TimeInterval class. If standard library classes are not available to represent time intervals and a TimeInterval class is implemented, it should, at a minimum, implement the following methods:


TimeInterval(int n, TimeUnit unit)

Constructs a time interval having a duration of n * unit, where unit is a unit of time as specified by the TimeUnit class.

TimeInterval(int hh, int mm, int ss)

Constructs a time interval having the duration of hh hours, mm minutes, and ss seconds.


int toSeconds()

Returns the duration of this interval in seconds, rounded up to the nearest integer value.


Represents a time unit and must have at least the following units: SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR.


A class that allows users to specify a filesystem path in various formats. Implementations are encouraged to use standard library classes if available instead of re-implementing a custom Path class. If standard library classes are not available to represent filesystem paths, then the String class MAY be used instead.


Appendix A - Synchronous vs. Asynchronous API

Running a job synchronously means that a hypothetical run() call does not return until the job completes. The typical scenario in which a job management API would be used involves jobs that are launched on a client machine (e.g., login node), but whose CPU-bound part would run on a different machine (e.g., compute node). This implies that the fundamental operations that comprise are some initial submission steps that communicate the details of the job from the client machine to the compute node and start the relevant CPU-bound code on the compute node as well as a step that waits for the CPU-bound code to finish executing:

run() {

Considering jobs with non-trivial run durations, the bulk of the time in the above simplified definition of run() would be spent in waitForCompletion(), which is an operation that, if implemented as efficiently as possible, would consume no CPU time locally during the execution of the job. However, it holds the non-CPU resources associated with the thread that invokes it, namely kernel and stack memory. Any jobs running concurrently would hold the resources associated with each of their respective threads. By contrast, an asynchronous implementation can run multiple jobs in a single thread:

void runJobs() {
    jobsLeft = alljobs.size();
    executor.addJobStatusCallback(new JobStatusCallback() {
        jobStatusChanged(Job job, JobStatus status) {
            if (status.isTerminal()) {
    for (job in alljobs) {
    // all jobs are now running
    while (jobsLeft > 0) {

Changing between an asynchronous interface and a synchronous one is a relatively simple matter. For example, running a job synchronously on top of an asynchronous API can be done as follows:

void runJob(Job job, JobExecutor executor) {
    condition = new Condition();
    callback =
    executor.submit(job, new JobStatusCallback() {
        void jobStatusChanged(Job job, JobStatus status) {
            if (status.isTerminal()) {

The converse, wrapping a synchronous API with an asynchronous interface, is also straightforward:

void submit(Job job, JobExecutor executor, JobStatusCallback cb) {
    new Thread() {
        run() {
            cb.jobStatusChanged(job, ....);

There are, however, subtle issues that ultimately make the two approaches inequivalent:

In light of the above, one might conclude that a scalable API would start with an asynchronous API and optionally add convenience synchronous methods.

Appendix B - Bulk Submission

Bulk submission refers to the idea of using a minimal number of operations to submit multiple jobs. At the user-facing API level this would, for example, translate into the ability to call a submit() method with a list/array of jobs rather than having to call it multiple times with a single job. This is typically done for performance reasons. Consider a simple example, in which a hypothetical submit(job) method is implemented by connecting to a remote service and sending the serialized job information. The timing diagram is:

Single Job Timing Diagram

That is, in the simplest case, with no authentication present, it takes two round trips to submit one job, and three if one also waits for the connection to close. Calling the submit() method repeatedly in a loop results in the same process repeated serially, resulting in a total time of 3 * rtt * n, where n is the total number of jobs and rtt is the round trip time (the time it takes to send a message to the server plus the time it takes for the reply to make it back):

Multiple Jobs Timing Diagram

A way of speeding up the process is, if the details for all the jobs in the loop are known, to submit all the jobs at once:

Bulk Jobs Timing Diagram

where send(job_data[]) indicates that we are now sending an array of job information. This essentially reduces the time from 3 * rtt * n to 3 * rtt, or from O(n) to O(1). The downside is that one must know what all the jobs in the array are at the time the submit(job_data[]) call is made.

In practice, it is likely that a job submission API will be driven by a workflow engine, which may not use static planning and produce jobs individually rather than in arrays. Nonetheless, it is possible to employ a buffer that accumulates job requests over a certain (short) period of time and submits all the collected jobs to the API using the bulk version of submit(). In essence, such an optimization could even be performed by the job submission library, shifting some of the complexity from the user into a reusable component.

There exist a number of alternatives to bulk submission that can improve submission performance, which are analyzed in the following paragraphs.

Threaded Submission

Threaded submission involves using multiple concurrent threads to submit jobs. This can effectively divide the submission time by the number of threads employed, as can be seen in the following timing diagram:

Threaded Jobs Timing Diagram

Threaded submission can, however, lose some of its advantage if any submission steps involve CPU-bound operations, such as is the case when initializing secure connections. A TLS handshake involves, for example, some encryption and decryption using asymmetric cryptography. This is usually slow enough, even for short messages, to limit the number of operations to a few hundreds per second per CPU core. Since CPU cores are time-shared between threads, only one CPU-bound operation can be effectively executing on a given core at one time. A possible timing diagram that assumes a single CPU core could look like this:

Threaded with TLS Jobs Timing Diagram

The extent to which cryptography is an issue in TLS is not entirely clear. A quick performance test using openssl s_time -connect localhost on decent hardware with Apache running locally returns approximately 18000 operations per second with a 2048-bit certificate and approximately 6000 operations per second with a 4096-bit certificate. Of course, this assumes that TLS is the only CPU-bound operation relevant during submission. A notable, if dated exception, was the concept of delegation in Globus GSI, which involved the generation of an asymmetric key pair. For RSA 4096-bit keys, this is something that takes seconds on modern hardware.

The problem of CPU-bound connection operations can be mitigated by caching the results of such CPU-bound operations. A simple way to achieve this is to cache the connections themselves. Alternatively, the security layer may provide relevant functionality. For example, TLS supports session resumption, which can be used to share cryptographic keys across multiple connections.

Asynchronous Networking

Given that a large majority of the thread time in a hypothetical submit() call is spent waiting for network packets to travel between machines, converting to fully asynchronous network calls can dissociate idle thread time on the client machine from the in-flight data delays. This, however, requires that the submission be asynchronous; that is, the submit() call must return immediately and the actual submission process must proceed asynchronously. The rough idea is to use asynchronous versions of networking calls, which we will denote by pre-pending the characters "a_". These calls return immediately but signal the completion operation by calling a continuation function which is passed by the caller in an additional parameter. For example, instead of connect(), we can say a_connect(c_connected), the latter being the asynchronous version of connect() which calls c_connected() when the connection succeeds. A possible timing diagram for submitting multiple jobs using asynchronous networking is shown in the picture below, where the color encodes the job with which the respective invocation is associated:

Async Jobs Timing Diagram

While asynchronous networking addresses the problems imposed by network delays, it does little to alleviate potential throttling due to CPU-bound operations.

Connection Multiplexing

An alternative way of improving efficiency is to reuse a single connection for each remote resource that jobs are submitted to. If data is sent and received asynchronously, the timing has all the characteristics of the asynchronous networking case while also eliminating the need for repeated security handshakes or connection establishment:

Connection Multiplexing Timing Diagram

Connection multiplexing also comes with performance advantages. When using individual connections to transmit short messages, TCP buffers must be emptied before they become full since there is simply no other data to send over the connection. When using a single connection to transmit larger messages, TCP buffers can be more efficiently utilized. Additionally, it becomes feasible to tune buffer sizes in order to optimize the throughput of connections to particular services.

Appendix C - Examples

This Appendix contains examples of how the PSI/J API can be used. Unlike the specification language, the examples are in a hypothetical Python binding, which is expected to be a relatively frequently used binding.

Submit and Wait for N Jobs

This example shows how to submit N jobs and synchronously wait for them to complete.

import psij

jex = psij.JobExecutor.get_instance('slurm')

# set number of jobs

def make_job():
    job = psij.Job()
    spec = psij.JobSpec()
    spec.executable = '/bin/sleep'
    spec.arguments = ['10']
    job.spec = spec
    return job

jobs = []
for i in range(N):
    job = make_job()

for i in range(N):

Run N Jobs while Throttling to M Concurrent Jobs

This example shows how to run a total of N jobs while ensuring that at most M are running in parallel at any given time. It uses the callback mechanism of the JobExecutor class to submit more jobs as previously submitted jobs complete in order to keep the running number of jobs at M.

import psij
import threading

class ThrottledSubmitter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.jex = psij.JobExecutor.get_instance('torque', '>= 0.2')
        # keep track of completed jobs so that we can submit the rest
        self.count = 0
        self.lock = threading.RLock()

    def make_job(self):

    def submit_next():
        with self.lock:
          if self.count < N:
              self.count += 1

    def start(self)
        # create list of jobs = [self.make_job() for i in range(N)]

        # submit initial M jobs
        while self.count < M:

    def callback(self, job, status):
            # a previously submitted job is now done, we have room to
            # submit another


Submit a Malformed or Unsatisfiable Job

Uses exception types to distinguish whether a job is re-triable or not

import psij

jex = psij.JobExecutor()
job_1 = psij.Job()
job_2 = psij.Job()

spec_1 = psij.JobSpec()
spec_2 = psij.JobSpec()

spec_1.executable = '/bin/true'
spec_2.executable = True   # type error

job_1.spec = spec_1
job_2.spec = spec_2

except psij.InvalidJobException:
    # this should not happen
except psij.SubmitException:
    # this *can* happen, dependent on backend state and policies
    print('could not submit job - try again later')

except psij.InvalidJobException as e:
    print('submission failed: %s' % e)
    assert(False)  # the above should have raised an `InvalidJobException`


Submit a Job, Wait for Queued Event, Cancel, and Then Wait for the Final Event

import psij

def make_job():
    job = psij.Job()
    spec = psij.JobSpec()
    spec.executable = '/bin/sleep'
    spec.arguments = ['10']
    job.spec = spec
    return job

jex = psij.JobExecutor.get_instance('slurm')

job = make_job()

Run a Job with P Total Processes where Each Process Gets C CPUs and G GPUs

import psij

res_spec = psij.ResourceSpecV1()
res_spec.process_count     = 10
res_spec.cores_per_process = 4
res_spec.gpus_per_process  = 1

job_spec = psij.JobSpec()
job_spec.executable = 'echo'
job_spec.arguments  = ['foo', 'bar', 'buz']  = '/tmp/'
job_spec.stdin      = '/dev/null'
job_spec.stdout     = 'work.out'
job_spec.stderr     = 'work.err'
job_spec.resources' = res_spec

job = psij.Job()
job.spec = spec

jex = psij.JobExecutor()

N Exclusive Nodes, Each with P Processes

This example will place a job across 5 nodes with 2 ranks per node. The remaining cores of the node will remain idle as the job requests exclusive access to the nodes.

import psij

res_spec = psij.ResourceSpecV1()
res_spec.exclusive_nodes = true
res_spec.process_count = 10
res_spec.processes__per_node = 2

job_spec = psij.JobSpec()
job_spec.executable = ''
job_spec.arguments  = ['foo', 'bar', 'buz']
job_spec.resources  = res_spec

job = psij.Job()
job.spec = spec

jex = psij.JobExecutor()

Construct a Job that Uses All the Various “Knobs” of the Resource and Job Specifications

import psij

res_spec = psij.ResourceSpec()
res_spec.exclusive_nodes     = false  # other jobs can run on the job's nodes
res_spec.process_count       = 10     # run a total of 10 ranks
res_spec.processes__per_node = 3      # place 3 ranks per node
res_spec.cores_per_process   = 4      # each rank obtains 4 cores
res_spec.gpus_per_process    = 2      # … and 2 GPUs

job_spec = psij.JobSpec()       : 'psij_example'         # common name to identify job
job_spec.workdir    : '/tmp/foo'             # dir to create for the job
job_spec.executable : ''          # executable or script to run
job_spec.arguments  : ['foo', 'bar', 'buz']  # arguments to pass
job_spec.resources  : res_spec               # resources to allocate (see above)

# we use the default environment - but also set some
# additional environment variables
job_spec.override_environment: False
job_spec.environment: {'FOO': 'foo',
                       'BAR': 'bar'}

job = psij.Job()
job.spec = spec
job.duration      = 1000          # expected job runtime in seconds
job.queue         = 'debug'       # batch queue to submit to
job.project       = 'psij_devel'  # project allocation to use
job.reservation   = 'R123_456'    # reservation ID to use

jex = psij.JobExecutor()

Submit a Job, Check for a Transient Error, Retry if One Occurred

import time
import math
import random

import psij

def make_job():
    job = psij.Job()
    spec = psij.JobSpec()
    spec.executable = '/bin/sleep'
    spec.arguments = ['10']
    job.spec = spec
    return job

def submit_with_exponential_backoff(jex, job):
    times_attempted = 0
        except psij.SubmitException as se:
            if not se.isTransient():
                raise # re-raise to let caller see and handle it
            times_attempted += 1
            time.sleep(random.randint(0, math.pow(2, times_attempted) - 1))

jex = psij.JobExecutor.get_instance('slurm')
job = make_job()
submit_with_exponential_backoff(jex, job)

Appendix D - Naming

The Portable Submission Interface for Jobs (PSI/J) is named after the J/ψ meson. It is pronounced like “Sigh-Jay” (or ˈsaɪ ˈdʒeɪ in IPA).